It is time to Play!

When was the last time you played?

The last time you laughed out loud or smiled for no good reason?

I see children having unlimited smiles all the time.  The more time I spend around kids the more I get to witness how they see the world with new eyes and the emotions that go with it.  Everything is new, amazing and has potential for fun! How great is that?!

As adults, especially around this time of year, we can easily get overwhelmed with responsibilities, stress, holidays and so much more.  We need to take a break of the adult world and re- learn how to play.  Its time to have some fun.  Recently in the Huffington Post, there was an article talking about the importance in play with children and how play actually helps them learn.  As adults, I think we need to listen to this research and maybe even give it a try for ourselves.  It is time we play, laugh and giggle like a kid again.

Miles just playing with a ball.

Miles just playing with a ball.

What a perfect theme for a yoga class!


This is the perfect theme to help out the students who –

gets angry in balancing / challenging poses

have a competitive nature

are too busy looking around

someone who needs to have a good laugh.


Some poses to go along with the theme –

Balancing Poses – How often do adults stand on one foot?! There are different levels of balancing poses you can work into your practice and for different levels. I like to remind everyone not to make a “gargoyle face” or monster face in poses that take some concentration. Smile!  Tree , Half Moon, Warrior 3, Dancer, Eagle.

Chair Pose – I love this pose. You need so much effort from your body and mind.  I often see very serious faces when we hold this pose. So I challenge to smile, sometime even tell a joke to make students laugh.

Upside down poses – It time to change your view!

Downward Dog, forward folds, Wheel , Wild thing and legs up the wall just to name a few.

Lions Breath – Stick out your tongue and be real loud on an exhale!


What are some poses that make you feel like a kid again?