Well it happened…

Well it happened.  At 32 ½ weeks pregnant, I have caught a “cold.” alteernative cold remedies

I tried with all my might to prevent this from happening but it just wasn’t enough.   I eat healthy, regular chiropractic care, acupuncture, yoga, meditation, prenatal vitamin, vitamin D, vitamin C and fish oils daily.  I still managed to get sick.  So of course when I came down with symptoms I jumped on all the natural treatments I could think of to help strengthen my body and immune system.  I must say, I believe these things have all helped and made the healing process faster and more comfortable.

I just wanted to share some of the natural remedies I used and found to work to help ease some of my aliments and be safe for pregnancy.

  1. Lots of Fluids.  My goal is over 94 ounces of water daily.  I know that is a lot, but you can do it!
  2. Vitamin C.  I know for pregnant women you should avoid going over 2,000mg of vitamin C a day.  What I found really helpful was Emergen-C for Kids.  The Kids packets have only 250mg a serving, which allowed me to have a couple through –out the day.  To get even more water, I would fill us a 24 ounce water bottle and one Emergen C Kids packet.
  3. Vitamin D. This is more of a preventative.  Most of us are deficient in Vitamin D so it is a good idea to supplement regularly.  Vitamin D is essential in having a strong immune system.
  4. Garlic.  Garlic supplements are not recommended for pregnant women, so I just made sure to have extra, I mean EXTRA garlic in all my meals.
  5. Essential Oils.  Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Lavender.  Using Almond oil as my base, I mix all three together and rubbed the oil on my feet every few hours.  What was great, is also used it to put on my nose as it was getting raw from all the blowing. We then put a great plug-in essential oil diffuser that I put Eucalyptus and lavender to smell up the room.                                                                                           Eucalyptus is a natural decongestant, and is antibacterial.  Lavender is great at calming and is antibacterial, antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic.  Peppermint acts as an expectorant, soothes muscles, helps with headaches and is known to help reduce fever.
  6. Acupuncture.  I made sure to get in to my favorite CommUnity Acupuncture to schedule extra treatments to help keep the immune system strong and some relief to my sore muscles.
  7. Chiropractic.  I LOVE getting adjusted.  It has been a life saver during pregnancy and in my wellness care.  When I felt the cold coming on, I made an extra visit to help boost the immune system.